Author: Invisible Men

  • A Brief Transmasc History

    Throughout history, transmasculine individuals, also known as transgender men or trans men, have existed, but their experiences have often been concealed due to societal stigma and discrimination. Nevertheless, they have made significant contributions to society and fought for recognition and acceptance. In ancient cultures, gender roles were more flexible, with examples such as Native American…

  • Aging While Trans

    Aging is a natural process that we all go through, but for transgender individuals, aging can come with unique challenges and experiences. As we age, our bodies change, and for transgender individuals, these changes can be particularly challenging as they may not align with their gender identity. Aging while trans can be a complex and…

  • Challenges Navigating Parenthood as a Transmasc Parent

    Transgender and non-binary individuals have always faced significant challenges in society. The experience of parenting is no different for transmasc individuals, who often encounter very unique obstacles when raising children. Transmasc parents are those who identify as masculine or male and were assigned female at birth. These challenges can range from issues with fertility, access…

  • Detransitioning: A Personal Decision That Deserves Respect

    Transitioning is a journey that takes courage and vulnerability. It’s a process of finding and affirming one’s gender identity, which can be liberating and empowering. However, for some people, transitioning may not lead to the desired outcome or may come with unexpected challenges. In these cases, detransitioning may become a valid and necessary decision. Detransitioning…

  • Transmasc Folks Need Emotional Outlets

    Transmasculine individuals often struggle with emotional regulation and mental health. The challenges we face can be complex and difficult to navigate, and the lack of support and understanding thoroughly compounds the issue. Transphobia, discrimination, and social stigma around our masculinity can also have a significant impact on our mental well-being. These factors make it crucial…

  • Invalidated Masculinity

    Masculinity is a complex construct that has been deeply ingrained in our society. Traditionally, it is seen as a set of characteristics associated with men, including traits like strength, courage, assertiveness, and dominance. However, when it comes to individuals who identify as tranmasculine, the very concept of masculinity can become a source of invalidation. Tranmasculine…

  • Transmasc Folks are NOT & Should NOT be your Fetish

    Hypersexualization: Tranmasculine individuals may be objectified or hypersexualized by others who see them as “exotic” or “taboo” due to their gender identity. We often face unique challenges in navigating our gender identity in a society that is largely binary and heteronormative. One of the challenges we face is being fetishized or hypersexualization, where we are…

  • Exploring Sexual Identities for Transmac Folks

    Transmen and transmasculine individuals who were assigned female at birth but identify as male or masculine (teransmasculine), may have a range of sexual identities and preferences. However, navigating sexual identity can be challenging for transmasculine due to a range of factors, including societal norms and expectations, dysphoria, and discrimination. To navigate these challenges, it’s important…

  • Black & Trans

    Being transmasculine can come with its own set of challenges, but when that experience is compounded with the experiences of being black, it can create a unique set of obstacles. Let’s talk about some of the challenges and experiences that come with being black and transmasculine. One of the biggest challenges for black transmasculine individuals…

  • Impacts Of Socialization on Engagement

    Transgender individuals of all genders have unique experiences of socialization based on their precieved gender identity, the societal expectations and norms, and assumptions associated with their gender, . However, there may be some differences in socialization experiences between trans women and trans men based on societal gender roles and expectations that guide engagment. Socialization can…