Author: Invisible Men

  • The Overlooked Fight: Reproductive Rights for Transmasculine Individuals

    Transmasculine individuals go through their transition, they may encounter difficulties in accessing care that aligns with their gender identity and health needs. This can have a significant impact on their physical and emotional well-being. We will explore some of the barriers that transmasculine individuals face in accessing reproductive rights and how we can work towards…

  • Untangling the Knots of Minority Stress for BIPOC Transmasculine Individuals

    The term “transmasculine” refers to individuals who were assigned female at birth but identify as male. The experience of being transmasculine is unique and can be especially challenging for those who also identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). BIPOC transmasculine individuals face a range of challenges, including minority stress. Minority stress is…

  • Tobacco and Its Impact on Trans People

    Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, and the impact of tobacco on the health of trans people is particularly concerning. Trans individuals face unique challenges when it comes to tobacco use, as they often experience high levels of stress, discrimination, and social isolation, all of which can increase their risk of…

  • Transmasc Mental Health

    Transmasc individuals face unique mental health challenges related to their gender identity and societal expectations. They may or may not undergo medical interventions, such as hormone therapy or surgery, to transition to a more masculine body.The experience of being transmasc can bring on these unique challenges that can impact their mental health. Here are some…

  • Am I Bleeding? Transmasc Menstruation

    For many people, menstruation is a natural part of life. However, for transmasculine individuals, menstruation can be a source of stress and discomfort, as it conflicts with their gender identity. Despite this, discussions surrounding transmasculine menstruation have been largely ignored in mainstream discourse. Let’s talk about then! We will explore the experiences of transmasculine individuals…

  • I just want to Play! Transmasc Youth and Sports Bans

    Transmasc youth, or individuals assigned female at birth who identify as male or masculine, face a range of challenges in society, including in the realm of sports. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of anti-trans sports bans, which aim to exclude transgender athletes from competing in sports that align with their gender…

  • Transmen & Being Stealth

    Transmen, like all individuals, have the right to determine how they want to live their lives and present themselves to the world. One choice that some transmen make is to live stealth, which means they choose not to disclose their trans identity to others, and instead, live as a cisgender man. In this blog, we’ll…

  • Deadly Legislation

    In recent years, there has been a disturbing trend of anti-trans legislation being introduced and passed in various parts of the world. These laws are designed to restrict the rights of transgender individuals and to make their lives more difficult. Let’s explore the impact of anti-trans legislation on trans people and why it is important…

  • I’m Your Daddy! Transmasc Pregnancy

    Transmasculine individuals are people who identify with a gender identity that is masculine but do not necessarily identify as male. Some of these individuals may have undergone hormone therapy or gender-affirming surgeries to change their physical appearance to better align with their gender identity. While some may choose to undergo these procedures to eliminate the…

  • Neurodiversity: ADHD? Who, Me?

    Neurodiversity is a term used to describe the range of neurological differences in individuals, including conditions such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. Neurodiversity is an important aspect of human diversity, and it can have a significant impact on the experiences of transgender individuals, including those who identify as transmasculine. Transmasculine individuals are individuals who were…